Quick Start with Python API

When it comes to tracking the performance of generative models as they train, evaluating metrics after every epoch becomes prohibitively expensive due to long computation times. torch-fidelity tackles this problem by making full use of caching to avoid recomputing common features and per-metric statistics whenever possible. Computing all metrics for 50000 32x32 generated images and cifar10-train takes only 2 min 26 seconds on NVIDIA P100 GPU, compared to >10 min if using original codebases. Thus, computing metrics 20 times over the whole training cycle makes overall training time just one hour longer.

In the following example, assume unconditional image generation setting with CIFAR-10, and the generative model generator, which takes a 128-dimensional standard normal noise vector.

First, import the module:

import torch_fidelity

Wrap the generator with the torch_fidelity.GenerativeModelModuleWrapper wrapper, and pass it to the torch_fidelity.calculate_metrics() function. It can be called upon every epoch:

wrapped_generator = torch_fidelity.GenerativeModelModuleWrapper(generator, 128, 'normal', 0)

metrics_dict = torch_fidelity.calculate_metrics(

The resulting dictionary with computed metrics can logged directly to tensorboard, wandb, or console:



    'inception_score_mean': 11.23678,
    'inception_score_std': 0.09514061,
    'frechet_inception_distance': 18.12198,
    'kernel_inception_distance_mean': 0.01369556,
    'kernel_inception_distance_std': 0.001310059

Example of Integration with the Training Loop

Refer to sngan_cifar10.py for a complete training example.

Evolution of fixed generator latents in the example:

Evolution of fixed generator latents

A generator checkpoint resulting from training the example can be downloaded here.