
The registry is a collection of input datasets, feature extractors, sample similarity measures, noise sources, and interpolation sources. See Extensibility and API to learn how to add new items to the registry and how to use them for metrics calculation. A number of entities have been pre-registered, and can be resolved in both CLI and API modes by their names:

Preregistered inputs

Can be used as values to input1 and input2 arguments:

  • cifar10-train - CIFAR-10 training split with 50000 images

  • cifar10-val - CIFAR-10 validation split with 10000 images

  • cifar100-train - CIFAR-100 training split with 50000 images

  • cifar100-val - CIFAR-100 validation split with 10000 images

  • stl10-train - STL-10 training split with 500 images

  • stl10-test - STL-10 testing split with 800 images

  • stl10-unlabeled - STL-10 unlabeled split with 100000 images

Preregistered feature extractors

Can be used as values to the feature_extractor argument:

  • inception-v3-compat - a standard InceptionV3 feature extractor from the original reference implementations of the Inception Score. This feature extractor is carefully ported to reproduce the original extractor’s bilinear interpolation and neural architecture quirks.

  • vgg16 - a legacy VGG-based feature extractor used in the reference implementation of the Precision and Recall metrics.

  • clip-rn50, clip-rn101, clip-rn50x4, clip-rn50x16, clip-rn50x64, clip-vit-b-32, clip-vit-b-16, clip-vit-l-14, clip-vit-l-14-336px - a set of modern CLIP-based feature extractors for evaluation of more realistic image generators, such as DDPMs.

  • dinov2-vit-s-14, dinov2-vit-b-14, dinov2-vit-l-14, dinov2-vit-g-14 - a set of modern self-supervised feature extractors, also suitable for state-of-the-art image generators evaluation.

Preregistered sample similarities

Can be used as values to the ppl_sample_similarity argument:

  • lpips-vgg16 - a standard LPIPS sample similarity measure, based on a pre-trained VGG-16 and deep feature aggregation.

Preregistered noise source types

Can be used as values to input1_model_z_type and input2_model_z_type arguments:

  • normal - standard normal distribution

  • unit - uniform distribution on a unit sphere

  • uniform_0_1 - standard uniform distribution

Preregistered interpolation methods

Can be used as values to the ppl_z_interp_mode argument):

  • lerp - linear interpolation

  • slerp_any - spherical interpolation of normal samples

  • slerp_unit - spherical interpolation of unit samples