

ISC and PPL are computed for input1 only, whereas FID and KID are computed between input1 and input2.

Each input can be one of the following:

  • Registered input, such as a cifar10-train string. Registered inputs are commonly used datasets, which can be resolved by name, and are subject to caching;

  • Path to a directory with samples;

  • Path to a generative model in the ONNX or PTH (JIT) format;

  • Instance of torch.util.data.Dataset;

  • Instance of torch_fidelity.GenerativeModelBase.

Storage, Cache, Datasets

The cached items can occupy quite a lot of space. The default cache root is created under $ENV_TORCH_HOME/fidelity_cache, which is usually under the $HOME. Users with limited home partition should use --cache_root key to change cache location, or specify --no-cache to disable it (not recommended).

Likewise, torchvision datasets may not be suitable for storage under the home directory (default location is $ENV_TORCH_HOME/fidelity_datasets). It can be changed with the key --datasets-root. If torchvision datasets do not need to be downloaded, it is possible to disable download check using the key --no-datasets-download.

To save time on recomputations of features and statistics of inputs that do not change often, caching is enabled on all registered inputs. In addition to that, one can force caching on a path input by assigning a new cache slot name to such input via input1_cache_name or input2_cache_name keys, for the first and second positional arguments respectively.

Working with Directories of Samples as Inputs

To collect files recursively under the path provided as the input, add --samples-find-deep command line key, or set the samples_find_deep keyword argument to True. To change file extensions picked up when traversing the path, specify --samples-find-ext command line key or the samples_find_ext keyword argument. After the files list is collected, it is sorted alpha-numerically, and then shuffled. If shuffling is not desired, it can be disabled by setting the --no-samples-shuffle key or using the samples_shuffle keyword argument.

Other Options

Both the fidelity command and the API provide several options to tweak the default behavior of the evaluation procedure. Below is a summary of use cases when changing the defaults is required:

  • Reducing GPU RAM usage: by default, evaluating cifar10-train images with all metrics takes about 2.5 GB of RAM. If it is desired to reduce memory footprint, use --batch-size key to reduce batch size. It is not possible to go below a certain threshold required to store the feature extractor model (Inception).

  • Changing device placement: by default, fidelity app decides whether to use GPU judging by the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable of the process. It is possible to override this default behavior by specifying GPU ids with --gpu command line key, or forcing computations to CPU with --cpu flag.

  • Verifying reproducibility: For the sake of reproducibility, all pseudo-random numbers generators are pre-seeded with the default value of --rng_seed command line key. This affects choosing subsets and splits in metrics and the order of shuffled files from positional arguments.One may want to change this flag to see the effect of seed on the metrics outputs. However, seeds should be kept fixed and reported as a part of the evaluation protocol.

  • Changing verbosity: verbose mode is enabled by default, so both command line and programmatic interfaces report progress to stderr. It can be disabled using the --silent command line flag, or verbose keyword argument. However, it is useful to keep it enabled when extending the code with custom input sources or feature extractors, as it allows to prevent unintended usage of the cache.